Feeling so blessed as the initial reviews for Editing Bootcamp start trickling in. Are you on the fence, wondering whether to give Editing Bootcamp a slice of your valuable time? Look at the reviews and decide for yourself:

A reader has highlighted the checklists on her Kindle because she is sure she’ll need them later on when she edits her book. Hey seabreeze, I don’t know who you are but if you email me, I’ll send you a PDF than you can print out and keep for your reference.

Ruch thinks I’ve “peeled the onion layer by layer.” Thanks, Ruch. I did try to be as detailed as I could within the word-count limit I had. Glad I could help!
Are you looking to self-publish on a low budget but can’t compromise on quality?
Do you want to polish your book before querying an agent?
Are you a newbie fiction editor wanting to learn developmental editing?
Don’t worry, I’ve got your back. Learn the art of Self-Editing and purchase your copy of Editing Bootcamp here: mybook.to/EditingBootcamp