Editing Bootcamp gets rave reviews!

Feeling so blessed as the initial reviews for Editing Bootcamp start trickling in. Are you on the fence, wondering whether to give Editing Bootcamp a slice of your valuable time? Look at the reviews and decide for yourself: A reader has highlighted the checklists on her Kindle because she is sure she'll need them later … Continue reading Editing Bootcamp gets rave reviews!

Book Release: Editing Bootcamp

Editing Bootcamp: A Fiction Writer's Guide to Self-Editing Part 1 Buy Now with 1-Click! on Amazon Looking to self-publish on a low budget but can’t compromise on quality?Want to polish your book before querying an agent?Are you a newbie fiction editor wanting to learn developmental editing?Don’t worry, I’ve got your back. Lots of books teach … Continue reading Book Release: Editing Bootcamp

Self-Editing Tip: Effective Story Endings.

Effective Endings

Effective story endings don't merely satisfy the reader. It awes them.An unforgettable ending will immediately make the reader want to re-read the book from the beginning. It will leave the reader chewing on the last scene long after closing the book. If your ending is effective, it will hook the reader into buying and reading … Continue reading Self-Editing Tip: Effective Story Endings.

Self-Editing Tip: Dialogues in Fiction

Editing dialogues in fiction

Dialogues in fiction writing is a vast topic. So much so, that whole books have been written on this topic. It would've been a folly to cover everything about dialogues in a single blog post, so I thought of giving you a handy checklist instead--something you can use every time you sit down with your … Continue reading Self-Editing Tip: Dialogues in Fiction

Self-Editing Tip: Comma Splice

What's a Comma Splice? A comma splice is an error. It is a sentence in which a comma is incorrectly used to separate independent clauses in a compound sentence. A comma can be used to create a compound sentence, but such a sentence would need more than just a comma to be correct. For example:Your … Continue reading Self-Editing Tip: Comma Splice

Self-Editing Tip: Blurb

Blurb or Book Description

Blurbs sell books. That’s their primary function—to get your books in the hands of readers. Its goal is not to give away your story but to compel the reader to pick up the book. You might know of it as a book description that is printed on the back cover of the book or appears … Continue reading Self-Editing Tip: Blurb

Self-Editing Tips: Apostrophe

Apostrophes are not that simple, no matter what people might say. As English language has evolved, their use has become increasingly complex. It doesn’t help that different style guides give contrasting advice regarding its use. I am an editor and in my line of work, I see even experienced writers getting confused when it comes … Continue reading Self-Editing Tips: Apostrophe

#AtoZChallenge Theme Reveal: Self-Editing Tips for Writers.

Beginning April 1, Mondays through Saturdays, I will share a self-editing tip for writers on my blog. And since this is for the A to Z April Blogging Challenge, every tip will have something to do with the alphabets A-Z, in chronological order. 26 Steps To a Better Writer! Tips from a professional editor. If … Continue reading #AtoZChallenge Theme Reveal: Self-Editing Tips for Writers.